香港学堂 Hong Kong Academy
学校名称 :
英文名称 :
Hong Kong Academy
创立时间 :
学校性质 :
开设阶段 :
幼儿园 、小学 、初中 、高中
课程体系 :
学费区间 :
是否住宿 :
留学国家 :
美国 、英国 、澳大利亚
香港书院是一所位于新界西贡的非赢利一条龙国际学校。成立于 2000 年,我们将在第三个十年中,继续为3至18岁儿童提供快乐、充满活力和严谨的教育。
我们的课程被授权提供 IBPYP、 IBMYP和 IBDP课程,激发好奇心,培养协作并促进每个人的变革体验。
申请者的年龄必须符合年级要求。生日截止日期为8月31日。Pre-K包括来Pre-K1和Pre-K2。 Playgroup: 在申请学年8月31日前前年满2岁。Pre-K: 在申请学年8月31日前年满3-4岁(必须独立如厕)。Kindergarten: 在申请学年8月31日前满5岁。Grade 1: 在申请学年8月31日前满6岁。 对于申请2年级及以上的孩子,除了年龄外,目前的学术水平也将是决定年级分配的一个因素。签证要求/生活安排
我们的入学评估不只是通过/失败,而是一种让我们收集有关每个学生的更多信息方式,并比较他们与年级其他孩子。评估因年级而异。 Pre-K申请人将与我们的一位Pre-K年级的教师一起在我们的Pre-K教室里度过的时间,参加适合的活动。30分钟 K申请人将与我们的一位K年级的教师一起在我们的K教室里度过的时间,参加适合的活动。40分钟 Grade 1数学和读写的基准评估。30 – 45分钟 Grade 2 – Grade 5数学和阅读方面的在线标准化评估以及写作部分。45 – 75分钟 (取决于年级) Grade 6 – Grade 12包括数学与阅读(在线标准化评估)和写作部分。申请人可以在评估期间安排一次试课。90 – 240分钟 (取决于年级/试课)评估后,我们将在下次入学委员会会议上审查结果,并在提出建议后与家人联系。2023-2024学费
PK1-PK2 :109,900港币/年K-G5 :207,300港币/年G6-G8: 228,200港币/年G9 :237,780港币/年G11-G12 :247,460港币/年
HKA's Primary School is a unique and exciting place that prides itself on the recognition that all children have gifts to be nurtured and shared. We have created an authentic learning environment by seeking a rich diverse balance in our students and teachers, which prepares students for the larger world they will grow into. Students learn compassion, empathy, tolerance and to celebrate each other’s strengths and differences whilst recognising commonalities and collaboratively support one another with those areas they may find challenging.
An integral part of the HKA Primary School is that we value how children learn as well as what they learn. This is accomplished by fostering a natural joy and interest in their social and natural world through hands-on interactions. We strive to support each child's natural curiosity by encouraging the process of questioning and a quest for knowledge rather than imparting knowledge onto them. Through reflection of their learning students become active participants in reaching out to different communities with different needs and perspectives from their own.
Our concept driven, inquiry based curriculum reflects our diverse student community as well as local, national and global events and issues. A rigorous and developmentally appropriate approach to literacy and mathematics are integrated into the PYP curriculum framework and ensure that students learn in a meaningful and relevant context. All Primary School students study Mandarin as an additional living language within the curriculum.
Small class sizes and low student teacher ratio allow for maximum flexibility in meeting student’s needs and provide a broad base for social interaction. As children grow, increasing scope and complexity are built into the curriculum to ensure that individual developmental needs are met and that children are challenged and stretched in their learning. As an IB World School, HKA develops the whole student and we empower learners to pursue pathways to individual excellence by fostering creativity, communication and problem-solving skills. We fulfill individual potential through providing outstanding teaching, rich opportunities for learning and encouragement and support for each student to help them find their strengths, define their paths and pursue their goals. The Secondary School Curriculum is based around two world-class education programmes: the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) for Grades 6 to 10 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) for grades 11 and 12. Both programmes provide a broad, balanced and globally recognised curriculum that ensures all students have the chance to develop interests and abilities no matter where their individual strengths may lie.
Complementing our comprehensive curriculum, HKA offers a wide-ranging co-curricular programme. With sports, clubs and activities, students have many opportunities to learn and grow beyond the classroom. Student athletes represent HKA in local and regional sports leagues in both team and individual sports, and Secondary School faculty offer a broad range of lunctime and after school clubs open to all students. As the host site of the International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) Academy, HKA students have multiple opportunities through master classes, visiting artist workshops and group productions to develop their vocal, instrumental and theatrical skills. As a member of the Global Citizen Diploma (GCD) consortium, students in Grades 9-12 reflect on themseleves as learners through the lens of global citizenship, identifying and communicating their unique skills to then share with authentic audiences beyond their school context. A strong thread throughout the entire HKA learning journey is one of service; students engage in responsible action within their local, regional and global community is a variety of ways, often initiating their own projects based on personal passions and interests. The Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC) programme offers all Secondary School students annual opportunities to build relationships with one another and challenge themselves to take risks in diverse settings both in Hong Kong and around the world. Through participation in these activities, our students forge strong bonds with others and are supported by teachers who are focussed on nurturing young minds. The school's co-curricular programme provides depth, richness and occassins to put into practice all the skills students have learned througout their educational experience.
The Secondary School years are a time of rapid change and development and the social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs of students are diverse. Even the most confident students can struggle during these years, which is why the ethos of a school is so important. At HKA there is a strong sense of community. The genuine care and empathy shown for others ensures an inclusive environment that enables each student to find their place and flourish. The secondary years are also a period of self-discovery and sorting out personal strengths and challenge areas. HKA is a learning and training ground filled with possibilities. We encourage our students to aspire towards paths leading to a distinguished, rewarding and purposeful life.